Inside my office...sitting, working...;
Outside...walking, standing, stretching, breathing deeply.
Inside...clear, clean air goes unnoticed;
Outside...a hundred smells--some good, some bad, all noticed-- tickle my nose
with smells of life.
Inside...walls of light grey, ceiling of white, carpet of faded, speckled purple; eyes feast on the palette of God's creation--colours of the rainbow in
a thousand hues.
Inside...a steady 75 degrees;
Outside...cold mornings give way to warm afternoons which fade into cool evenings.
Inside...seemingly unmoving air hums overhead incessantly, unchanging;
Outside...winds from off the Gulf rise and fall whispering in different tones as they pass through
leaves of live-oak...palm trees...the rubbery stuff of banana trees.
Inside...four silent florescent tubes light my space;
Outside...the star at the center of our solar system licks my skin, sharing warmth and glow.
Inside...sitting, working...dying;
Outside, standing, playing, imagination running wild, far and free...I live.
Outside...walking, standing, stretching, breathing deeply.
Inside...clear, clean air goes unnoticed;
Outside...a hundred smells--some good, some bad, all noticed-- tickle my nose
with smells of life.
Inside...walls of light grey, ceiling of white, carpet of faded, speckled purple; eyes feast on the palette of God's creation--colours of the rainbow in
a thousand hues.
Inside...a steady 75 degrees;
Outside...cold mornings give way to warm afternoons which fade into cool evenings.
Inside...seemingly unmoving air hums overhead incessantly, unchanging;
Outside...winds from off the Gulf rise and fall whispering in different tones as they pass through
leaves of live-oak...palm trees...the rubbery stuff of banana trees.
Inside...four silent florescent tubes light my space;
Outside...the star at the center of our solar system licks my skin, sharing warmth and glow.
Inside...sitting, working...dying;
Outside, standing, playing, imagination running wild, far and free...I live.