We’re a Reluctant Lot…
Most mornings go about the same: I wake up before my alarm (a sure sign to me that “old age” has already hit me!"), roll over and look at the clock, and let out a deep sigh. I walk every morning—Monday through Friday—and that walk usually gets going around 6am. BUT! I often don’t want to get out of bed. I think, “Oh, just 10 more minutes….” or “I just want to lie here a while longer….” However, I get up…get into my shorts and sweat-shirt…don my New Balance tennies…and head out the door. It’s slow at first, but then, as I swing my arms, as my feet climb the hills, as I take note of the birds and their singing, things begin to change. As I greet the others I encounter each morning—some walkers, some runners, some simply owners of dogs who have get out—as I see them and we greet each other, my mind shifts. By the time I’m coming down from the top of the hill, as sweat is pouring off of me (more for the humidity than for the difficulty ...